The Power of Intentions Over Goals: Shaping a Fulfilling Year Ahead

As we step into a new year, it's a time of reflection, planning, and the age-old tradition of setting resolutions. For many, this process has involved crafting SMART goals for various life areas, such as health, career, relationships, and home. However, if you've struggled with traditional resolutions or are looking for a more meaningful approach, it might be time to consider value-based intentions. In 2024 and beyond, these intentions can be your compass for personal growth and a more purpose-driven life.

What Are Intentions, and Why Choose Them Over Goals?

Intentions are statements that reflect your deepest values in specific life areas. While goals are valuable for measuring your progress, intentions offer a more profound connection to your values and motivations. Here's why you might consider setting intentions over traditional goals:

  1. Intentions Are Present-Focused: Goals often focus on future achievements, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy until those goals are met. Intentions, on the other hand, are meant to be embodied in the present moment, fostering peace, joy, and fulfillment now.

  2. Intentions Are Not Metric-Focused: Unlike goals, intentions don't measure specific outcomes, such as pounds lost or revenue earned. Instead, they center around values and deeper motivations, making them inherently fulfilling at any point in your journey.

  3. Intentions Are Not Expectation-Focused: Goals are often tied to specific outcomes, which can lead to disappointment if those outcomes aren't met. Intentions, however, are focused on promoting inner qualities like peace, joy, and love, with fewer expectations regarding external results.

Setting Your Value-Based Intentions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Identify Your Values Reflect on your personal values and what truly matters to you. Consider the aspects of your life you want to focus on in the coming year. You can review a list of values to help you clarify what's important to you.

Step 2: Craft Intention Statements Translate your values into intention statements that support the areas you want to work on. Whether it's health, relationships, your home, or personal habits, here are a couple of examples:

Health and Wellness:

  • "To move and live with flow and grace."


  • "To engage in thoughtful and meaningful friendships."

  • "To build a partnership based on reciprocity, understanding, affection, and adventure."


  • "To create a home that's inspiring, cozy, and warm."

  • "To cultivate a beautiful and minimal wardrobe, filled with pieces that are unique."

Step 3: Define Inspiring Actions For each intention, list a few inspiring actions you can take to align with your values. These actions should be fulfilling and can be quite simple. Additionally, write down the outcomes you hope to achieve, anticipate any resistance you might face, and devise strategies to overcome that resistance.

Example Intentions and Actions:

Intention 1: "To engage in thoughtful and meaningful friendships."

  • Actions:

    • Connect with friends regularly through phone dates.

    • Join a class or group to meet new people.

  • Outcomes:

    • Strengthened friendships and a sense of closeness.

    • New, inspiring connections within the community.

  • Possible Resistance:

    • Lack of time.

    • Fear of putting yourself out there.

  • Overcoming Resistance:

    • Integrate phone dates into your daily routine.

    • Challenge fear and commit to social activities.

Intention 2: "To cultivate a beautiful and minimal wardrobe, filled with pieces that are unique."

  • Actions:

    • Refine your style preferences through style coaching exercises.

    • Review and tailor existing clothing items to fit better.

    • Shop slowly and save for pieces you truly want.

    • Shop eco-friendly retailers and vintage stores.

  • Outcomes:

    • An organized and versatile wardrobe.

    • Confidence in your style choices and eco-friendly shopping.

  • Possible Resistance:

    • Time constraints.

    • Budget limitations.

    • Confidence issues.

  • Overcoming Resistance:

    • Allocate dedicated time to go through your wardrobe.

    • Prioritize ongoing style refinement.

    • Exercise patience and save for desired pieces.

Working through this process with all your intentions and taking daily actions in line with your values can lead to a fulfilling and inspiring year. This approach is different from setting rigid goals and offers a more compassionate perspective on your journey.

If you choose to embrace value-based intentions, share your experiences and results. Wishing you the best on your journey of intention and fulfillment in the year ahead.


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